The management of FPC’s day-to-day operations is delegated to the General Director as the sole executive body. The General Director acts as Chairman of the Company’s Science and Technology Board, and also Chairman of the Board of the Heads of the Company’s Branches.
The General Director is accountable to FPC’s shareholders and the Board of Directors and submits quarterly reports to the Board on the Company’s performance (budget performance, contract work performance, HR policy, credit policy, social programmes, insurance coverage, implementation of the Board’s resolutions).
The Board of Directors resolves on the election of the Company’s General Director, termination of his/her powers, and approves the terms of his employment contract, including remuneration and termination.
The General Director is responsible for timely and quality budgeting and budget performance at the Company, preparing budget performance reports, and organising activities at the Company’s branches.
On 25 January 2016, Petr Ivanov was elected FPC’s General Director for a three-year term by resolution of the Board of Directors.


Konstantin Torubarov
Deputy General Director for Transportation Support
Year of birth: 1962.
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers in 1985 with a degree in Electrification of Railway Transport.
Started his career in railways in 1983.
From 2006 to 2009, he served as Deputy Head of the Moscow Regional Directorate for Passenger Service at the Federal Passenger Directorate, a branch of Russian Railways.
From 2010 to 2015, he was Head of the Moscow Branch of FPC.
Since 2015, he has held the post of Deputy General Director of FPC.

Alexander Muslovets
Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance
Year of birth: 1977.
Graduated from Far Eastern State Transport University in 1999 with a degree in Economics and Management at Railway Transport Enterprises.
Graduated from Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation in 2009 with an MBA in Finance.
Obtained an MBA from the University of Navarra (IESE business school) in 2013.
PhD in Economics.
Started his career in railways in 1999.
From 2004 to 2005, he headed the Finance Department at the Moscow – Ryazan Division of the Moscow Railway, a branch of Russian Railways.
From 2005 to 2009, he was First Deputy Chief Accountant at the Moscow Railway, a branch of Russian Railways.
From 2009 to 2010, he served as Deputy CEO at the Federal Passenger Directorate, a branch of Russian Railways.
Since 2010, he has held the post of Deputy General Director of FPC.

Aleksandr Petrunin
Deputy General Director for Business Development and Operations
Year of birth: 1958.
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers in 1983 with a degree in Railway Operation.
Started his career in railways in 1977.
From 2009 to 2011, he was Chief Engineer at the Traction Rolling Stock Repair Directorate of Russian Railways.
From 2011 to 2012, he served as Deputy Head of the Technical Policy Department at FPC and headed the Engineering Office.
From 2012 to 2013, he was Deputy Chief Engineer at FPC.
Since 2013, he has held the post of Deputy General Director of FPC.

Lyudmila Paristaya
Deputy General Director for Human Resources and Social Development
Year of birth: 1960.
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers in 1983 with a degree in Railway Operation.
Started her career in railways in 1983.
From 2006 to 2009, she was Deputy Head of the Human Resources and Social Development Department at the Federal Passenger Directorate, a branch of Russian Railways, and Head of the Executive Personnel Office.
From 2009 to 2010, she served as Head of the Agents Network Department at the Federal Passenger Directorate, a branch of Russian Railways.
From 2010 to 2012, she was Head of the Human Resources and Social Development Department at FPC.
Since 2012, she has held the post of Deputy General Director of FPC.

Stanislav Zotin
Deputy General Director for Maintenance Services
Year of birth: 1979.
Graduated from St Petersburg State Transport University in 2001 with a degree in Water Supply and Drainage.
Graduated from St Petersburg State Transport University in 2006 with a degree in Railway Operation and Logistics.
Graduated from the Stockholm School of Economics in St Petersburg where he completed RZD Holding’s Corporate Modular Educational Programme Executive MBA of the Stockholm School of Economics
Started his career in railways in 1998.
From 2010 to 2011, he was Head of the Saint Petersburg – Moskovsky carriage site of the Northwest Branch of FPC.
From 2011 to 2013, he was Deputy Head of the Northwest Branch of FPC.
From 2013 to 2015, he was First Deputy Head of the Northwest Branch of FPC.
From 2015 to 2016, he was Head of the Northwest Branch of FPC.
Since 2016, he has held the post of Deputy General Director of FPC.

Marina Zhegulina
Deputy General Director for Marketing and Sales
Year of birth: 1984.
Graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) in 2007 with a degree in Economics and Management at Enterprises.
Graduated from the Institute of Business Studies under the Government of the Russian Federation in 2013 with a degree in Company Management.
Started her career in 2005.
From 2010 to 2017, she was Marketing Director at the law firm Legal and Tax Advice on the CIS Countries Law VEGAS LEX.
From February 2017 to July 2017, she was Advisor to the General Director of FPC.
From July 2017 to December 2017, she served as Head of the Customer Experience Centre at FPC.
In December 2017, she was appointed Deputy General Director of FPC.

Boris Suvorov
Deputy General Director for Safety and Security
Year of birth: 1967.
Graduated from the Moscow Higher Combined-Arms Command School in 1988 with a degree in Command and Tactics, Motorised Rifle Troops.
Graduated from the Moscow Presidential Academy of Public and Municipal Administration in 2008 with a degree in Public and Municipal Administration.
From 2004 to 2009, he was Assistant Director at Federal Road Agency.
From 2009 to 2010, he served as Head of the Transport Safety Department at the Federal Road Agency.
From 2010 to 2013, he served as Advisor to the Chairman of the Management Board at the State Company Russian Highways.
From 2013 to 2016, he served as Deputy Chairman of the Management Board at the State Company Russian Highways.
In December 2016, he was appointed Deputy General Director of FPC.

Oleg Nikitin
Deputy General Director for External Relations and Legal Affairs
Year of birth: 1957.
Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Railway Engineers in 1979 with a degree in Railway Operation.
PhD in Technical Sciences.
Started his career in railways in 1979.
From 2003 to 2006, he served as Head of the Long-Distance Passenger Service Department of Russian Railways.
From 2006 to 2007, he was Head of the Passenger Service Department of Russian Railways
From 2007 to 2008, he served as Deputy Head for Passenger Service at the Oktyabrskaya Railway, a branch of Russian Railways.
From 2008 to 2010, he was First Deputy CEO at the Federal Passenger Directorate, a branch of Russian Railways.
Since 2010, he has held the post of Deputy General Director of FPC.

Aleksey Zhigunov
Deputy General Director for Transport Management, Head of the Transport Management Department
Year of birth: 1979.
Graduated from the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT) in 2003 with a degree in Railway Operation and Logistics.
Graduated from the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering (MIIT) in 2014 with a degree in Corporate Management.
Graduated from the Moscow State University of Railway Engineering in 2011 with a Mini MBA IIM.
Started his career in railways in 2001.
From 2010 to 2012, he served as Deputy Head of the Transport Management Department and Head of the Situation Centre at FPC.
From 2012 to 2014, he served as Head of the Transport Management Department at FPC.
From 2014 to 2016, he acted as Head of the Passenger Transport and Logistics Centre at FPC.
Since June 2016, he has been Deputy General Director and Head of the Transport Management Department.
The Corporate Secretary’s activities are guided by JSC FPC’s order to allocate responsibilities among Deputy General Directors of the Company. Furthermore, in August 2017, the Board of Directors approved the Regulations on the Corporate Secretary which take effect after JSC FPC’s Articles of Association are amended to introduce the role of the Corporate Secretary.
The Corporate Secretary administratively reports to the General Director, functionally reports to the Chairman of the Board of Directors, and is accountable to the Board of Directors. The Corporate Secretary acts as the Secretary of FPC’s Board of Directors.

Alexander Andryushin
Corporate Secretary
Year of birth: 1975.
Nationality: Russian Federation.
He graduated from St Petersburg State University with a degree in Law. Currently is studying at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation majoring in Financial Management.
From April 2003, he worked in the Legal Division of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation, and from October 2003, he worked in the Legal Department at Russian Railways.
From September 2015, he worked in units of the Passenger Services Management Department at Russian Railways.
Since June 2017, he has served as Corporate Secretary at Russian Railways.
While working at Russian Railways, he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Russian-Finnish Company Oy Karelian Trains operating the Allegro project, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors at High- Speed Lines
The Board of Directors resolves on the election or termination of powers of the Secretary of the Board of Directors. In June 2017, Alexander Andryushin was appointed FPC’s Corporate Secretary by order of FPC’s General Director.
On 18 July 2017, FPC’s Corporate Secretary was elected the Secretary of the Board of Directors by resolution of the Board of Directors.
The tasks of the Corporate Secretary are to:
- ensure that the governing bodies and the Company’s employees comply with applicable laws, the Company’s Articles of Association and internal documents ensuring the exercise of rights and legitimate interests of shareholders
- ensure the Company’s shareholder relations and protection of shareholders’ rights and property interests
- provide organisational support to the Company’s Board of Directors
- develop the Company’s corporate governance practice.